Personal Insurance

Personal Insurance

Now it’s getting Personal!

Life and health is very fragile, one minute you can be enjoying a walk around the Mount with a friend – the next instant a health issue, illness or death of a partner can financially cripple your family and business, so it’s important to be aware of these Risks and Manage them well.

Mount Maunganui

Live Life, Love Life, Get Life.

Life Insurance

Who will look after them if you’re not here?

When a Mum or a Dad dies, their ability to earn dies with them. The last thing you and the kids need at this point in time are issues with financial commitments. Life insurance provides good news at a sad time. A serious lump sum payment upon your death for those you leave behind to use as they see fit, enabling them to survive financially.

Life insurance can provide:

  • Freehold home.
  • Pay off credit facilities.
  • Final expenses funds.
  • Education funds and help for the children.
  • Replacement income for the future.
Hands holding baby's feet

Life can be this simple.

Income Protection

Can’t work due to sickness or illness? How will we pay the bills?

Even in Tauranga, you will earn on average between $2M to $4M over your lifetime, making your ability to earn your biggest asset by far. So why would you insure your car for $20K and not insure your income? If you can’t work due to illness or injury Income Protection will keep the wheels on financially. You’ll receive monthly income payments that continue until you are able to return to work or right through to age 65 if you choose.

Income Protection can provide:

  • Mortgage repayments.
  • Living expenses.
  • Children’s Education.
  • Family holidays.
  • Retirement planning.
  • Relationship stability.
Man being pushed in wheel chair

Call us today for expert advice.

Mortgage Protection

At least we have the mortgage covered if I get sick or injured!

Mortgage protection covers your largest expense, your mortgage repayments. This way you know you’re not going to lose the family home if you can work due to illness or sickness. The great thing about Mortgage Protection is that it pays the mortgage right through aged 65 and keeps paying you even after the mortgage has been paid off before age 65.

Mortgage Protection can provide:

  • Mortgage repayments covered.
  • Peace of mind of a freehold home.
  • Benefit not offset by ACC.
  • Relationship stability.
Happy couple sat on a couch

Protect your family home.

Trauma Insurance

How will we survive cancer?

Trauma Insurance provides you a short term cash injection if you are diagnosed with one of 44 critical illnesses like cancer, heart attack or stroke. People often use it to reduce debt and provide for their family. It buys you stress-free time to recover properly rather than being forced back to work too early. 64% of all Trauma claims are for cancer and with our outdoor lifestyle in the Bay of Plenty we need to be aware of the risks (the sun) and manage them well.

Trauma Insurance can provide:

  • Short term cash buffer to recover properly.
  • Reduce debt/mortgage.
  • Pay for medical expenses.
  • Stress-free time off work to recover.
Woman looking upset and shocked

Don’t wait until you have a storm.

Total and Permanent Disability Insurance

How will we survive cancer?

Total and permanent disability insurance can help you to preserve your lifestyle, secure your family’s future and pay off any long-term debt. Those with total and permanent disability cover receive a cash lump sum if they were to become totally and permanently incapacitated and therefore unable to work.

Mother cuddling with baby

Call us for more information.

Health Insurance

Hospital waiting lists? I don’t think so.

If you’ve been diagnosed and need hospitalisation or surgery you want it done now, not in 18 months. Private health insurance allows you to choose WHEN, WHERE and WHO you have your procedure done with. The health system is full and expensive, even common procedures like a valve replacement can cost you up to $50 to $65K, that’s a small mortgage. Smart private health insurance picks up 100% of the cost (other than your choice of excess) of these large financial medical costs.

Health Insurance provides options:

  • When you have your procedure done. NOW.
  • Where you have your treatment done. ie Grace Hospital.
  • Who provides your treatment.
  • Covers 100% of the medical cost.
A wife sitting with sick husband in hospital

Life can be brutal. Get cover now.

Personal Home and Contents Insurance

What would you do in the event of a fire?

We now provide simple, cost effective home and contents. Call us to arrange a customized phone quote.

Home and Contents Insurance covers:

  • Your home.
  • Your contents.
  • Your Vehicle.
  • Your Boat.
Tauranga suburb with Mount Maunganui in the background

Protect your possessions now!